Local Programs
Agriculture and Natural Resources offers programs to help sustain profitability of agriculture and forest production, while protecting and enhancing land and water resources. Effective management alternatives for livestock and poultry enterprises are presented through educational programs.
What We Offer
- Pesticide Safety Training
- Soil Testing & Fertilization Recommendations
- Insect, Disease, & Weed Identification & Control Measures
- On-Farm Visits
- Forage Testing
Extension Volunteer Master Gardeners are volunteers dedicated to working with the community to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management.
What We Offer
- Answers to Gardening Questions
- Diagnosis of Plant Problems
- Spring Gardening Workshops
- Booths at Community Events
- Educational Gardens
In the past year, Extension Master Gardeners contributed 6,358 hours of volunteer time valued at $186,594.00 and made 8,458 direct contacts with the public. In addition to a Horticulture Help Desk and multiple public speaking engagements, they utilize social media tools including a website, Facebook page and an electronic community newsletter. Community partnerships involve therapeutic gardening programs at assisted living facilities; youth gardening programs at the National D-day Memorial and the Bedford YMCA; a consistent presence at the Forest Farmers Market; and a bi-annual seminar series conducted at all six public library branches.
Learn more about what Bedford Volunteer Master Gardeners do!!
Visit Bedford Area Master Gardeners web page
Read more about Virginia's Volunteer Master Gardeners at: https://blogs.lt.vt.edu/mastergardener/
Family and Consumer Science programs provide education to help people increase knowledge, make informed decisions, and adopt good food and nutrition practices that promote optimal health. Programs emphasize appropriate and safe food and nutrition choices, encourage healthy lifestyles, support the prevention of chronic disease, and encourage food safety and sanitation.
What We Offer
- Diabetes Education
- Health and Wellness Programming
- Applied Foodservice Sanitation/ ServSafe
- Food preservation– Freezing, Canning, & Drying
Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Department of Health co-sponsor a ServSafe Food Sanitation course. This 16 hour management course was developed by The Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association. The text, ServSafe Essentials, is part of the foundation’s food safety program. Participants take a one-hour certification exam developed by The Educational Foundation. The course includes instruction on: harmful bacteria, contamination and food-borne illness, purchasing and receiving safe foods, food storage, protecting food in preparation and service, employee hygiene, principles of a HACCP system and much more.
The ServSafe® Food Safety Certification program is recognized by more jurisdictions than any other manager food safety program – the most widely accepted food safety program among local, state and federal health departments!!!
The course is for: managers of food service operations for hotels, restaurants, schools, clubs, institutions; food and beverage managers; catering managers; chefs and cooks; and dietary managers.
This course is recommended for people working with food. Incidence of food borne illness is not declining. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that food borne diseases cause 76 million illnesses and 5,000 deaths annually. The Commonwealth of Virginia Food Service Regulations Governing Restaurants now requires that each food service establishment have a “person in charge” at all times that knows food safety. Passing this course is one way to demonstrate your food safety knowledge.
The Virginia Family Nutrition Program is a program within Virginia Cooperative Extension that extends the land-grant education and outreach mission of Virginia Tech by offering a comprehensive collection of resources, educational programs, and services across the Commonwealth to improve the health of families. The motto of the Virginia Family Nutrition Program is Eat Smart, Move More.
The Virginia Family Nutrition Program has a specific focus of addressing food security and the prevention of costly chronic diseases. Our commitment to finding real solutions for our communities is showcased through a variety of programs and initiatives that impact community health.
4-H Youth Development is a comprehensive program for youth ages 5 to 18 to engage in hands-on learning experiences. Members learn how to make decisions, manage resources, work with others, and use effective communication while developing into contributing citizens.
The 4-H program in Bedford County is an active and thriving program with multiple community clubs and programs for youth. There are a range of community clubs offering a variety of activities for different interests and ages. Contacts for these clubs can be obtained by calling the office at 540-586-7675. Bedford County takes pride in its youth and accordingly, its 4-H program; please join in with any of our clubs, programs, and camps to see for yourself what 4-H and Bedford County can do for you and your children.
What We Offer
- Junior 4-H Camp
- Community Clubs
- Day Camps
- In-School Enrichment Programs
Bedford 4-H Community Clubs
How do I join a 4-H Club?
The best time to join the clubs is typically in October. All club members must register in 4-H Online by November 1. Most clubs do not require parental supervision, but many of our parents do stay during club meetings.
*The 4-H year runs from October to September. Members must be turning the correct age within the 4-H year. (i.e.- A member who is 8 years old in October when the 4-H year starts but turning 9 years before September 30 of the following year is consider to be 9 years old in 4-H years.) Members of our clubs must enroll in 4-H Online.
Tracy Russler, Leader
Jody Toms, Leader
Lindsay Tomlinson, Leader
Lou Brown, Leader
Jenny Hiner, Coordinator
Maribeth Martin, Leader